New Hampshire, Where the Apples Live

I've been finding more and more that I used to take a lot of things for granted when I lived in New Hampshire. I used to complain about having to drive "all the way" to the health food store in order to get vegan ice cream or cheese, though the trip only took about 15 minutes compared to the 20-30 I now have to spend waiting in Austin traffic. One of the things I missed almost instantly after moving was a distinct lack of u-pick farms. Especially when it came to apple orchards.

When I worked for my family making salsa and cookie mixes, we used to make frequent deliveries to a farm stand called Mack's in Londonderry, NH. They're still my favorite. And I brought Chris there on Friday when we couldn't come up with an idea of something to do on our last day in New Hampshire. Intending to only purchase apple cider and other products, we found ourselves incapable of resisting the urge to frolic amongst the apple trees so apple-a-picking we went.

We picked a bag full of Jonomac apples (my favorite kind) and my mother then showed Chris how to make apple crisp using the recipe she used to package when she sold mixes as Glass Jar Goodies. It was a good time, for sure.

Later that night we met some of my cousins, aunts, and uncles at Muse Paint Bar in Manchester. Well, I should rephrase that. We met them after stopping at a bar right down the street where I ended up right and toasty on some apple pie cocktail they made from hard cider. It was great. And our paintings came out pretty good, too.

And now I'm sitting in the Baltimore airport waiting for our connecting flight to start boarding, reflecting on the great time we had and also on what my future holds. I miss my cat and my dog, my grocery store, my kitchen, and my couch. We have a lot of catching up to do. Hopefully I can squeeze in some quality time with each tomorrow before having to go back to work on Monday...

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